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A Widow's Burden Ch. 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 3960 words) [2/6] show all parts

Author: AsylumSeeker
Added: Feb 13 2010Views / Reads: 362 / 340 [94%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Gerry finds a suspect with a motive, hooks uo with maid in the basement

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A WIDOW'S BURDEN CH. 02 By AsylumSeeker

I heard the water in the bathroom down the hall turning on as Alice cleaned up following our tryst, and then the pitter-patter of her feet as she descended the stairs to the first floor and likely the basement after that.

Just as my mind began to process the information I'd learned to this point, there was another soft tap as the dame delivered on her promise. A stack, more than I'd anticipated, of newspapers.

"I'll bring you supper when it's ready," she reported, offering a brief kiss.

To be honest, I couldn't get enough of this dame, or her lips. Yeah, I know, Daisy was waiting on me, but when her young niece sent me off packing, I didn't have a difficult time taking advantage... for the sake of the investigation, of course.

I glanced through the papers from the top down, mainly gossip. Topics only a resident of the town could appreciate, until I found an article on Fred. So now I knew where the banker had drawn his information from.

It appeared that the recently deceased man was born in 1870 in Topeka, ...

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