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Colorblind Ch. 02this story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 4304 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: AsylumSeeker
Added: Feb 13 2010Views / Reads: 336 / 300 [89%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Jess comes to terms with her past life and opens a possibility for a future with Tyrone

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COLORBLIND CH. 02 By AsylumSeeker

It was a cold, dreary day outside, typical weather for early January. And it matched Jess's mood perfectly. She'd been with Tyrone for two weeks and three days, and she sensed it was all coming to an end. Her baggage was catching up. It was almost as if she could hear the little wheels squealing out in warning as the heavy suitcases closed in.

She didn't want what they shared to end, but its demise had been preordained from the start. Her heart surged with affection for this wonderful man... this wonderful man with the dark scars and black tattoos who had endured so much for seemingly so little. Jess would have rather died. Even now, as he held her in his arms, if death came knocking she'd go quite willingly. Yes, the baggage has arrived.

It was late afternoon and she could see that the sun was dipping low in the western sky, the warming rays weakening as daylight was starting to give way to night. The wind was whipping quite strongly, and she could hear discarded cans being rolled about with metallic clatter in the alley just below. And she could hear the steady, comforting rhythm of his heart.

They were naked, having made love after lunch and finding no good reason to dress, except for the chill that was beginning to creep back in as the sun's light receded. Tyrone was lying on the love seat with his ...

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