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Marshathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 7073 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Feb 14 2010Views / Reads: 6884 / 5648 [82%]Story vote: 9.00 (12 votes)
He was warned.

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Marsha, my wife of twenty-six years, walked into the kitchen and sat down on the other side of the table from me and said:

"Honey, can we talk?"

"That's an odd question. We have always talked. Since when have you ever had to ask me if we could talk?"

She gave me a nervous smile and said, "This is different."

As I looked across the table at her I was thinking of how we had gotten to this point in our life.


I met Marsha at my sister's eighteenth birthday party. My parents were pretty open minded and regardless of the local liquor laws they had allowed us to have wine with dinner and when I turned eighteen I was allowed to drink beer in the house. They gave the same freedom to my sister Gail and anyone at her party who was eighteen or older. The only provision was that if you had a beer, even just one, you were not allowed to drive so for Gail's party I got to be the designated driver.

I spent most of the night in my room working on a class project for my ...

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