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Do it - Chapter Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 11623 words) [2/7] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Feb 16 2010Views / Reads: 1322 / 1120 [85%]Part vote: 9.42 (12 votes)
Given a new name, Chris now Maringa begins to slowly ease into a new way of life

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Do it - Part Two

Breakfast was at six-thirty sharp, though I was already dressed and more or less ready for the day when I came down to the "relaxed" dining area as it was called well ahead of that. Deidra and Bella were already seated however in preparation of being served.

"Sit down, join us," Bella said.

"I will...but I need to do something else first," I informed them grinning. They looked at one another also grinning, and then stood...leading me back down the hallway, up the stairs to Ted's private study. I wasn't honestly too terribly surprised to find that he was already up, busy working at his desk when Bella poked her head inside asking if he had a moment to see me. In seconds, I was ushered inside, both Bella and Deidra closing the door stepping back out again.

"I take it you've made a decision," Ted said sitting back in his chair with a smile on his face.

"I have," I said simply reaching over to grab one of the contracts, the one I am sure he was hoping I'd sign.

"Before you do that, I need to make sure...you do understand everything ...

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