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Do it! - Chapter Threethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 8537 words) [3/7] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Feb 20 2010Views / Reads: 1135 / 906 [80%]Part vote: 9.69 (13 votes)
Marina gains some experience as her training begins

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Do it! - Chapter Three

After making it back inside the estate, Deidra suggested we head back to her room, as it was closest, not to mention the fact she had a bit more interesting décor than I had in my room. In addition of course to a much wider variety of novelty's which she had spoken to me about previously, and which I was rather anxious to see or even try out.

The fact we'd all been getting along together so well over the past few days added to that too. I had found myself becoming more and more comfortable around the two of them. And curious! So far, we had teased, even flirted a little making suggestive lewd comments, though appreciatively perhaps sizing one another up a little during the process. They also had another distinct advantage over me, in that they had both seen the size of my moderately large clit. Something they had both commented on as to wanting a much closer look at, which had aroused me considerably the more I thought about them doing just that.

We soon after reached Deidra's rooms, as she led both Bella and I into her "Inner chambers" as they were called. Here, her bedroom was, with a bed that was even bigger than my own, nearly touching the walls on both sides, custom made obviously with just enough room to get out of it and walk around. Almost immediately she flipped a switch on the wall, the lighting suddenly changing from a subdued soft glow, to a ...

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