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Love Childthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4356 words)

Author: Elaine Shuel Picture in profile
Added: Feb 22 2010Views / Reads: 619 / 495 [80%]Story vote: 10.00 (4 votes)
An unplanned pregnancy disrupts the course of true love for Elaine and Corey.

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Dr. Elaine Sullivan, head emergency doctor, looked at her watch. It had been a long night at Yorkview Hospital. She was relieved that she was finally off-duty. Depressed at the thought of going home to her empty apartment, she pondered her options. Quickly deciding on taking a walk, Elaine changed to her street clothes and headed for the door to exit the emergency unit. It was then that she met Corey Franklyn.

Corey was rushing into emergency; his mother held onto him for support. His deep blue eyes and muscular build distracted her but being the true professional she was, she didn't let it affect her work. "My mother has had a heart attack. Please help her," Corey begged to the nurse at admittance. Elaine overheard and decided she would see to his mother then leave.

Dr. Sullivan examined the patient and did the requisite tests to determine if Mrs. Franklyn had a heart attack. Corey and his mom assumed she had one and were relieved with the verdict. The tests confirmed that she was fine; it was merely a bout of indigestion.

Corey's million-dollar smile lit up the room, when they were told the news. "Thank you so much, Doctor," Corey said. Looking over at the 30ish year old woman, for the first time Corey noticed her luscious lips and long beautiful red hair. He said goodbye and took his mother out of the emergency department, looking back for a quick glance at her on their way out. Dr. Sullivan didn't notice since her back was ...

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