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The Marriage Counselorthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 3224 words)

Author: Q-Tip
Added: Dec 07 2000Views / Reads: 5058 / 4444 [88%]Story vote: 8.43 (7 votes)
A modest tale about a man who uses a drug (which doesn't exist in real-life) to help mend a marriage. Comments and e-mails welcome.

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The Marriage Counselor - by Q-Tip

We stumbled on it while looking for a powerful new pain reliever. We wanted a prescription that could be delivered in a capsule, and along the way we worked our way through a number of possible formulas, most of which didn't work. This one did. Not for pain relief, but it worked just fine for something else. The department supervisor, who is entirely lacking in imagination, dismissed the formulary as having no practical application. Maybe he couldn't see a practical application, but I sure as hell could.

The dose could be administered in capsule, or powder form, and the effect was fascinating. First, the drug was a powerful [censored], very powerful because it changed brain chemistry, and that made it far more effective than traditional [censored] suggestion. I'm no expert on [censored], but it is my understanding that you can't get a subject to do something under [censored] that they wouldn't do normally. With this drug, it was different. Because of the chemical reaction in the brain, people would do pretty much whatever they were told to do. Secondly, it had an amnesia effect, which is not really unusual; many [censored] used in surgery have an amnesia effect. The third, and this really killed it for pain relief, while a patient was under influence of the drug physical sensations were multiplied. In another words, if the patient were awake, and their arm were pinched, they might say "ouch" and tell you to stop. Under this drug, if their arm where pinched, they would ...

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