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A great wild startthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:cuckold, 1463 words)

Author: happyivan
Added: Mar 22 2010Views / Reads: 1957 / 1287 [66%]Story vote: 7.80 (5 votes)
On a wild night out with friends we drank a bit too much and rather than going home we went to another pub for a few more drinks. Our kids were with my in laws so, we wanted to make the night as long as possible. My wife got laid in her second attempt.

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A great wild start

On a wild night out with friends we drank a bit too much and rather than going home we went to another pub for a few more drinks. Our kids were with my in laws so, we wanted to make the night as long as possible. Tanya was her usual, very attractive, smiley and cheerful, probably a bit more given the alcohol in her system. As we leaned at the counter for drinks, Tanya bumped into an old guy, who hugged as she tripped and was about to fall. More as an accident his right hand landed right on her breast and as she wast getting composer he could not avoid gibing her breast a big shake and squeeze. A bit embarrassed Tanya thanked and the guy just said I really liked it and will pay you both drinks. Mike was married on a business trip and was just cooling down after a very busy and stressing day. After a few moments we felt very comfortable and Mike start getting into sex life conversation ... he invited us to go to his room when the Bar was about to close and before we said anything he hugged Tanya and started walking out of the door. As they were walking I fear the situation and what it could lead to. At the same I was very excited and felt my cock growing and pulling my hair. 7 y married and suddenly we were in danger. Tanya was probably a bit too much drunk and was not even thinking. Got confused with old thoughts and fantasies I had when I saw other men sneaking her breast and body and got hornier. Never thought however about my wife having sex with other men. And as they were walking a few steps ahead of me laughing I felt like taking it a bit further. Into the room Mike ...

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