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The Daughter of the Dukethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 6160 words)

Author: Paul Garland Picture in profile
Added: Mar 23 2010Views / Reads: 851 / 728 [86%]Story vote: 9.75 (4 votes)
Feizar has powers, ones he uses to seduce any woman he likes. The beautiful Daughter of the Duke was in his sights, and so he decided to take her for an afternoon walk.

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The Daughter of the Duke

Feizar Tandjani held his breath as he opened the gate, and then let out a sigh of relief when he saw the girl sitting on the bench waiting for him. Elyse was here! He had been fairly confident of her turning up but last night he had a bad dream where he opened the gate to find her father, the Duke of Perrat waiting instead. The Duke was one of the greatest warriors in the kingdom, and while Feizar had his skills, he wouldn't fancy himself in a fight with the Duke.

Elyse was worth the risk though. She was a beautiful, petite girl of only eighteen and as he walked through the long grass towards her, she turned and gave him the most dazzling smile. Her large blue eyes caught in the sun, and for a moment they were brighter than the colour of the cloudless sky above. Her waist length jet-black hair fluttered out behind her in the warm, summer breeze and had Feizar been a man with love in his heart, he would have fallen head over heels for the girl in that moment.

However Feizar was a man more interested in the love of the flesh than of the heart. He was almost twice Elyse's age but the moment he had seen her at the Duke's spring banquet, his loins had burned with the desire to bed her. He had to have her, and whenever Feizar wanted a girl, he always got his wish. While Feizar wasn't a fighter like the Duke or the knights that sat around his banqueting table on that ...

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