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Do it! - Chapter Seventhis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 8829 words) [7/7] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Mar 25 2010Views / Reads: 1080 / 852 [79%]Part vote: 10.00 (5 votes)
Maringa finds out who she reall is.

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Do it! - Chapter Seven

Ted...Master, had been away now for the better part of a week, he returned just before the weekend, though I'd only heard that he had, glad in a way that I hadn't run into him myself after what Bella told me.

"Worst mood he's ever been in since I've known him," she said confiding in me.

"Whys that do you suppose?" I now asked.

"The Grayson account," she said simply. "He's been involved in it on and off now for nearly two years. Every time he thinks he's got it nailed down, something happens, something changes. But we all know, it has something to do with the President of the company herself...Sybil Grayson. Every time Ted thinks that he's got this one wrapped up, she throws him a curve ball, some new wrinkle she's not happy with, wants more research done. Doesn't really care about the money, pays him whatever he tells her it's going to cost. In the beginning, he even made the prices so steep, he thought she'd either capitulate, or fire us...either or. She did neither. She paid, and paid...and then kept asking for other things. It's gotten to the point now, that Master's becoming almost consumed by it, trying to find a way to finally wrap things up, and come out ahead when he does. He's been working on that ...

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