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Meeting the Neighborthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 5713 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Mrtery
Added: Mar 27 2010Views / Reads: 2363 / 1832 [78%]Part vote: 9.54 (13 votes)
Two Widowed neighbors finally meet and realize they are ment for each other. A series if the feedback is good

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Meeting the Neighbor

by Mrtery

Rebecca a 28 yr old widow of 2 months, her husband of only two years was killed in a plane crash on a company business trip. When David had come into her life, she had changed from a woman of questionable virtue to the loving wife of a young executive. His family had not approved of the marriage, but love prevailed and they where a very loving close couple. With the marriage had come wealth, status, position and politics, as a result she had received a very large inheritance from David's death she would never have to worry about money matters again. Her marriage had all the love, passion and sex that was typical of a young couple, but conservative compared to her previous experience.

They had recently moved into a new house, lived next door to Ted another widower of 2 years, his wife having died of cancer. The houses sat on a cliff that over looked the city and river below, Rebecca's was back a little further than Ted's, but both had very private yards isolated from the rest of crescent. There was only one window between the two houses that over looked the others yard, this was in her master bathroom situated long side large Jacuzzi tub. The view over looked the pool and most of the Ted's back yard.

Returning from a morning shopping trip that had left her hot, tired and ...

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