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Firenze - Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 19738 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Jim Armstrong Picture in profile
Added: Apr 06 2010Views / Reads: 916 / 806 [88%]Part vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
They loved Italy and Florence in particular because of its fabulous art but they never expected that their favorite pastime would be included along with Michelangelo and Giotto. For this bisexual couple, Italy became more than just a vacation spot.

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We had an early call arranged with the concierge and were up, showered and dressed in time to have breakfast before meeting Pat and Don. We got to their hotel and they were waiting in front as yesterday so we all walked south towards the Arno River and the Uffizi Museum. When we arrived there about ten minutes later, the lines were completely around the courtyard which meant at least an hour to an hour and a half wait to get in and I was glad that we had reserved our tickets in advance and didn't have to wait at all as we entered the advance reservations door far away from the line and were admitted immediately. We spent about three hours covering every inch of the fabulous museum moving in order from room to room until we covered all the 30 or so rooms and the famous corridor. It was interesting to find out that the entire building that houses the Uffizi originally was built as offices for the Medici's who owned practically everything in Florence and the surrounding areas. We particularly enjoyed Pontormo's oils as well as Da Vinci's and many others and by the time we got through all the rooms, we were ready for a cold drink and some relaxation so we left the museum and headed for a sidewalk café in the Piazza della Signoria.

We sipped our drinks and watched the parade of tourists and locals pass by and rated them as to whether we would like to have them join us in bed or not. Don suddenly called our attention to a couple heading towards us who were absolutely gorgeous! She was a blonde, with a body made for sex....large breasts, wide hips, great legs and ass, tiny ...

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