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Becca meet a couplethis story is part of the FanClub (ff:threesomes, 2416 words)

Author: Becca Picture in profile
Added: Dec 08 2000Views / Reads: 4421 / 3615 [82%]Story vote: 8.00 (4 votes)
Becca has a few new encounters at college, one with a married couple.

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My college roommate Vicki and I discovered the joys of girl-girl loving recently. You probably read of our first experience in ROOMIES, if not, you should.

I relive that day so many times. The first feel of a girl’s cool tongue on the hot wet lips of my pussy. The softness of a girls lips on my own with two writhing snakes quarrelling inside. The smell of her perfume, her breath, her scent hanging in the air. I can recall these things at will and many more of course. Here’s one I’d like to share.

After that experience we didn’t just jump head over heals into the whole scene. We talked about it late at night sometimes but neither of us seemed ready to make a move again. Speaking for myself...I really wanted to but was scared that Vicki just wanted to try it and that’s it. So what’s a girl to do? Masturbate of course. <grin>

The memories of that night just got to me. I got home from class and instead of running like I usually do I walked to the local "video" store. Damn it was cold....but I was hot. I looked around for a while and finally found the lesbian tapes. As I was checking some out someone else came in the section. I hope they don’t know me I said to myself. As I was looking at the boxes I snuck a peek at the other person....whew, I don’t know her. She was going through the boxes too and then we both kind of moved towards each other. She was right next to me and we reached for the same box. "I’m sorry" I said right away ...

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