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The Road Tripthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 1720 words)

Author: smokehouse Picture in profile
Added: Apr 20 2010Views / Reads: 9731 / 5431 [56%]Story vote: 7.71 (7 votes)
Both girls were sexually excited at this point but did not let the other one know. Janice said Its kind of hot in here, how about we sleep without clothes. Good idea said Sara. They got undressed and stood naked in front of each other. Janice noticed tha

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Sara and Janice have been best friends since second grade. Now it was the summer before their senior year in high school and they planned a road trip that would take them from Dallas, TX to Canada. They started their trip the second school got out on June 10th and would keep going until school started September 2nd. Sara was attractive, about 5ft. 3in. with shinny straight brown hair and voluptuous 34 C size breasts.

She had nice blue eyes and good skin. Janice was also very attractive, 5ft. 5in. and had the most beautiful silky blonde hair, hazel eyes and she also had size 34 C breasts. On their trip they planned to stay overnight at motels and even planned for a two day camping trip once they got to Canada.

One night they were driving along a stretch of highway, rural and nothing for miles around, Sara told Janice to pull over she have to pee really badly. Janice said me too, but there isnt no where to go. Sara smiled and said Janice were on a highway at night with no one around, just pull over and we can pee on the side of the road. The thought of relieving herself with Janice excited Sara. Sara was straight but Janice was so hot she could make the straightest woman in the world gay for just one night.

Janice pulled the car over and they both got out. They were wearing denim shorts and flip flops and they knew trying to keep their balance and not pee on their cloths would be a challenge. They unzipped their ...

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