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Chrissy at the Bus Stopthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 2549 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Wolfhound7919
Added: Apr 21 2010Views / Reads: 752 / 593 [79%]Part vote: 9.33 (6 votes)
Chrissy's new master takes her to a bus stop where a stranger gets to paddle her while dozens of onlookers watch. Read to find out how Chrissy rewards the stranger!

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Chrissy was forced to continue walking in public while completely naked. Her large breasts where sore and her nipples were bright pink around hard, swolen areolas. She had a soreness between her legs that was both painful and very fulfilling. Over and over again in her mind she replayed the events of the past few hours. Unbelieving that it was actually real that she had fucked or allowed herself to be fucked by so many men in so many of her holes in such a short period of time. The thoughts made her blush, which when she thought about it was a bit rediculous. She was naked on a busy street with her new master whos name she didn't even know walking behind her, and she was blushing about having sex!

She looked around at the people staring at her and wondered what they were thinking. Did they want to fuck her? Did they want to touch her like the men had touched her? Was it just the men that wanted her or were there many women watching her right now that thought about grinding their own bodies against her untill the mutually hit orgasm? All of these thoughts kept running through her head when suddenly she was forced to stop her movements. The streets were crowded and Chrissy was forced to contact many people as she bumped into them trying to follow her master down the street. Her new master had put a collar around her neck that had a strong piece of leather attached to it. This was threaded through a metal loop and brought down through a similar loop in the cuffs that bound her wrists behind her back. The leather contined out about 4 feet and the end was held firmly in her ...

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