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Sex in the VIP Roomthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2825 words)

Author: LadyX Picture in profile
Added: Apr 22 2010Views / Reads: 3195 / 2410 [75%]Story vote: 9.43 (21 votes)
A customer accepts a stripper's invite to the VIP room, then he gets what he paid for!

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My night was going way too slow until you came in. Just a handful of regulars that say the same creepy shit to me every dance, and a few scrubs that pay ten dollars at the door just to watch us undress on stage or get a sneak peak at some other guy's lapdance.

You came up to give me a few dollars during my dance, even asked me how I was doing when I leaned into give you the close up. I like your type, there aren't enough of you- business guys that dress the part, how to groom, but don't get all dressed up just to go to the damn strip club. You gave me a smile and walked away. I knew I would see you again before too long.

I came back out in my camisole and walked the floor. I'm not a lifer at this, only been at it about six months, but I have learned how to walk through the club and watch about five different guys at once. I see you out of the corner of my eye politely decline a dance from Michelle, but that bitch is past her prime, so I don't think too much about that. I make a lap around the room, then come back to where you're sitting alone.

"Hey baby, mind if I have a seat with you?"

You accept, and I know right then that you aren't going to be an asshole or a cheapskate. You don't want to tell me too much, and that's alright, but I do know you're in town on business. I know you had a ...

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