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The Book Clubthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:group, 3885 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Mrtery
Added: May 15 2010Views / Reads: 961 / 626 [65%]Part vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
Membership into the club, Sandy bring Lori into the Club.

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The Book Club 2

Lori felt the fourteen hands descend on her at once, her body had been charged from standing naked in front of all these women, kicked into overdrive. Fingers rolled her nipples and massaged her breasts, traced over her head, found the sides of her neck, feet, legs, thighs and her pussy there was nothing untouched and everything seemed to be connected together. The sensations spread through out her entire body, triggering moans of pleasure and surges of juice to seep out of her pussy.

Gwen and Tanya closest to Sandy at the head of the table each held a leg securely spread, as they ran their hands up and down. Janice and Mary situated next along the table could concentrate on the entire exposed torso, while Brenda and Denise each had a hold of an arm while being able to fondle the upper body. Mary took the container of chocolate sauce, dipping the scoop into the warm liquid she poured it over each nipple. Janice placed a slice of fruit on top before the chocolate hardened, as well they did a band around the base of the breast as well at her neck, down her tummy and a big strawberry was placed in the chocolate filled navel.

They moved up each leg placing chocolate and fruit at prefect spots leading to the final prize. Her entire groin was clean of all hair and was covered liberally in chocolate sauce, fruit wedges were lining her lips and pressed on her clit, vaginal opening and anus. There was more ...

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