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Taking Tanya's Picturethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 5219 words)

Author: echodancer Picture in profile
Added: May 20 2010Views / Reads: 2228 / 1841 [83%]Story vote: 9.78 (23 votes)
Paul agrees to take erotic pictures of Tanya for her chat identity, but only if he can also take the special pictures that he wants.

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My name is Tanya, and I'm a chat room addict.

It all started last year when I went on Facebook to reconnect with friends from all stages of my life. It was so much fun to find people and update each other on what had been happening in our lives. And that's when I started to chat.

Chat really opened up the world for me. Faster and easier than a phone call. You could even chat while on the computer doing work or other stuff. Chat with friends all over the country and see their pictures. So I really got into it big time.

Soon I was chatting not just with old friends but with old lovers as well. Discussing the old times and fun we had when we were younger and much more adventurous. I found it easy to to say things I would never say out loud in a conversation. I found out that most if not all men love to chat about sex and soon we were discussing in detail our sexual escapades from the past. And what would happen if we saw each other today. Lots and lots of sex talk, mostly fantasies but with some real possibilities. I liked it... a lot.

But everyone gets busy with their lives and soon my Facebook friends weren't enough for me. I wanted more friends to chat with and maybe even chat about sex and sexual fantasies. It really turned me on and with my kids grown and out of the house, I was ready to heat my sex ...

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