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My first group experience, or was it?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2660 words)

Author: LoveAshli Picture in profile
Added: May 26 2010Views / Reads: 6586 / 4958 [75%]Story vote: 9.29 (28 votes)
My husband makes special plans for me this weekend. What I thought was going to be a romantic night for the two of us turns into something I never thought would happen. I became the center of attention and loved every drop of it

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I still wonder if this night was a dream. What started as a night meant to spark a little sexual spice into our marriage turned into a wild fantasy I thought would never happen....I honestly ask myself if it really did.

You had been traveling a lot for business lately and between work and the kids, it was hard to find time together. Then out of the blue, you asked me if we could have a special night away to just "destroy a hotel room" as you put it. Of course I agreed....you knew that I didn't jump into bed to merely please him, but because I loved great sex even more than you.

You told me you would arrange everything; all I needed to do was bring a small bag of clothes for the next day and feel free to dress as sexy as I wanted. Of course I knew that gave me carte blanche to spend a little money.

The week leading up to our night away, I got my hair cut and colored, got a full manicure and pedicure (French tip for this weekend) and even went back to the hair salon the afternoon of our night away to get my hair done in curls to be as sexy as possible.

With the kids already dropped off at my family's for the night, I got home and slipped into my outfit for the night. It was a tight black and red laced corset dress, and the hem was pretty high up on my thighs. It ...

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