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My Sex Teacher 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 3168 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Shuggie Picture in profile
Added: Jun 02 2010Views / Reads: 2039 / 1752 [86%]Part vote: 9.76 (17 votes)
Anne Marie has answered my questions, we have a great holiday, she lives up to her end of the bargain and teaches me along the way, but there is one thing....i'd love to try

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My Sex Teacher 3. (shared pleasures)

Sitting in an upmarket restaurant in Fuengirola, with only three couples in the place and the waiters Anne Marie and I sat at a small table talking quietly as Anne Marie spelt it out as crudely as she could.

"Okay, men are animals, you see something you like, you try to mount it.....women need a connection before we want to....be mounted" Anne Marie whispered as I did it again, giving her the look she enjoyed so much.

"it starts even before you meet and open your mouth, she's looking at you, you want her, but if you rush over you're too keen, but a few glances to tell her you're watching her as she watches you...trust me, it's first impressions" Anne Marie explained as I sat there considering buying a note pad and pen.

Listening to Anne Marie describe the perfect man in detail, he was a gentleman and liked to open the door for her, he pulled out her chair, he made her feel like the only woman on the face of the planet.

He listened to what she had to say, but he also interacted with her, he had his own opinion, but a clever guy would let her do all the talking.


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