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Good Neighbors Wear Denimthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4151 words)

Author: Huligin Picture in profile
Added: Jun 17 2010Views / Reads: 4001 / 3494 [87%]Story vote: 9.32 (25 votes)
My neighborhood sucks except one neighbor whose husband cheated on her. I help her cuckold him.

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Thanks in advance if you read this. I appreciate and respond to any comments. For those of you who vote, thanks. For those of you who do not, please just click the button. A small ego boost for me sharing a mostly true story.

I used to hate living in my neighborhood. The houses are big, the driveways imposing, the lawns lush and green. Seems nice but the people are haughty. My wife wanted to live in a big house with room for all the kids she wanted and a big yard for the dog. She makes a great salary so I get to stay home and tend house and work on my hobbies, namely carpentry. Unfortunately, all we have is a dog. She found out her ovaries shut down early after we moved into the house. A little saddened but we talked of other options. Adoption was her top choice but I wanted to have kids of my own. This was a source of contention and the reason our sex life was not great.

In the evening, the houses are like tombs, most have no lights inside, just outdoor spotlights highlighting the landscaping. The neighbors seem to have no sense of what is real. One lady, two houses down likes to walk her dog, some yipping little furball in designer clothes on a leash. She is a piece of work. Three inch designer heels, some pricey dress, manicure and make-up to the nines. It takes her at least two hours to get ready to walk her dog around the block. And she does it with her nose in the air. High maintenance bitch that just needs a good fucking to bring her back down to earth. The whole neighborhood ...

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