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closet slutthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3875 words)

Author: slick00
Added: Jul 04 2010Views / Reads: 5974 / 4476 [75%]Story vote: 9.42 (12 votes)
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Closet Slut

By Slick 09

I was talking to a friend (Linda) the other day. She was asking me if I felt guilty for cheating on my husband or if he knew about my infidelities. My answers were no guilt, and I believe he knows but we have never talked openly about it. Rich (my husband) had to know, I had gone out with guys from work and his friends with Rich knowing. All of these times were for work related events or maybe because he had a long work week and just did not feel like joining us. I began to tell her how we got together and the things that have happened in the five years we have been married.

I told her that I have never done anything right in front of Rich, always the prefect wife in his presence. Rich knew that I liked sex a lot; I was dating Bob one of his friends when we meet. I was not happy with Bob but was dating him anyways. Rich and I talked one night and I told him as much that was when Rich asked me out.

We went out together even before I broke it off with Bob. First date was slow by my standards just taking having dinner and a kiss goodnight. Rich was a little shy it seemed, I kissed longer then he did and even grabbed at his ass. But Rich was the perfect gentlemen. He knew I was still dating Bob, in fact when Rich asked me out for the second date; I ...

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