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Sitting On A Goldmine 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2483 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Mack B
Added: Jul 08 2010Views / Reads: 1217 / 1026 [84%]Part vote: 8.43 (7 votes)
The second time a good friend comes around for more.

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Still Sitting On a Goldmine 2

After several weeks of recovering from his surgery, my boyfriend FINALLY went back to work. It was a great relief for many reasons. I could finally breathe and have some time for just me with no interruptions from him. He is very controlling so over the past 6 months I haven't been able to do much. I felt like a prisoner being released from jail. I was free at last.

I woke up bright and early finally to an empty house. It was nice to hear silence, nothing but the AC. The house was very cool so of course my nipples were hard. I got out of bed and went to the living room to watch the morning news. (By the way I sleep naked and I like to stay that way as much as possible.) I watched TV. for a while. That's when I realized I still had the movies I borrowed from a friend. It was 9:30 AM so I sent him a text telling him I just remembered the movies and that I would bring them by later. His reply was Ok whenever is convenient for you is fine with me. So I got in the shower so I could start my day. While in the shower all I could think about was what happened the last time I went to my friend's house to return movies. He gave me more than just DVD's that day. I remembered the way he led me to his bed and undressed me slowly. The way he looked at me like I was so hot. The way that he gave it to me. Nice and slow. The way he admired my body as he fucked me. I began to pull on my nipples as the cool water from the shower sent chill bumps over my entire body. The ...

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