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Poolsidethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1084 words)

Author: Jaysee Picture in profile
Added: Jul 09 2010Views / Reads: 1248 / 7 [1%]Story vote: 10.00 (3 votes)
A poolside encounter. For Amber

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Amber jumped into the pool. Bob watched as she broke the surface of the water and smiled at him. She looked good, even though her suit was an older one. She had forgotten hers and had been forced to wear the old one she had left here. He had to admit there was one extra bonus to the old suit. It was slightly stretched out so if she moved to vigorously, the straps would slide down. He did enjoy the show.

They were over at the in laws house celebrating the holiday. There had been the usual hamburgers and hotdogs of course. And that had been followed by everyone adjourning to the pool. Bob and Amber had gotten in along with everyone else. After a few hours though, Amber had decided to get into the hot tub. Bob swam around for awhile and decided to join her.

As he climbed down to the hot tub he saw Amber sitting there talking with her sister. He smiled and climbed in. As he climbed down the stairs into the water he slipped and lurched towards Amber. He caught himself before falling on top of her. As he struggled to regain his footing he looked down and something caught his eye. He noticed that her suit bottoms, stretched out as they were, had moved slightly to the side and he could see her well groomed pubic hairs. He finally got his feet under him and sat into the water. Amber's sister sat talking for a few minutes and then left to join her husband and kids in the pool. ...

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