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Stephen and Stephanie 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1619 words) [2/8] show all parts

Author: nycbabe
Added: Jul 28 2010Views / Reads: 565 / 474 [84%]Part vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
Is she as wordly as she looks?

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"Whoa now. What about you? Yes, you are quite beautiful, but how do I know if you are intelligent?"

"Me? Are you kidding? I just graduated with honors!"

"So, you are book smart, big deal."

"Stephen, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I am not mad at you, I am more mad at my father."

Stephen finally got the french door opened and led her out onto the moonlit terrace that faced the larger terrace off the ballroom where most of the guests went for air.

"Why are you mad at him?"

"I found out right before the party that this was a plan between your father and mine. I overheard my parents talking about this arranged marriage thing. They were hoping that we would meet, date and eventually marry."

"Well if it is any consolation, I just found out last night and I wasn't too happy. I mean, you are gorgeous, but I hardly know you."

"Well, what do you think we should do?" ...

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