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Anjethis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 3862 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Jul 28 2010Views / Reads: 8435 / 6259 [74%]Story vote: 9.32 (19 votes)
Anje discovers that there are more interesting things than playing with her own pussy. Playing with someone else's for a start.

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This is a story I wrote for a friend based on some things she told me, so it is a mixture of something that happened along with a good leavening of fantasy.

Anje's first time

In a strictly Catholic country, women were still expected to lose their virginity on their wedding night. Not to mix with boys until they were ready to pick one, ready to marry and settle down. Sex was a forbidden fruit not to be experienced until the church decreed. Never mind that she was eighteen, the concept of the age of consent didn't exist. Consent wasn't agreeing to sex, it was agreeing to marry.

But Anje had discovered a few things. Of course, like most girls, she'd discovered that there were parts of her body between her legs that liked to be touched. She hadn't known what it was called at first, but she soon found her clit, soon discovered that if she touched herself just right then wonderful feelings built up inside her. And then, one fateful day, she'd discovered that if she kept going it was even better. The first orgasm of her life burst out of her clit in pulsating waves that took over her entire body for what seemed like an eternity. ...

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