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Sitting Pretty - The Home Frontthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3928 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Mark914 Picture in profile
Added: Jul 29 2010Views / Reads: 9638 / 8430 [87%]Part vote: 9.68 (22 votes)
This is a story of seduction between a husband and a babysitter. The question is who is seducing who?

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Author's Note:

Sometimes I am asked where my ideas come from, well, mostly from my imagination. In this case, I was sitting in the airport last week waiting for my flight home. There was a couple in their mid to late thirties waiting there too. They had their Au Pair and their daughter with them. The Woman was quite attractive and so was her husband. The Au Pair was kind of mousy and not really all that cute, but that was mostly because of the way she was dressed. I thought nothing of it until the woman went to the restroom. I saw the man look at the Au Pair and her back at him with this kind of hungry look. I was almost certain he was having sex with her, or at least my imagination was certain. From that, a story was born.

Sitting Pretty - The Home Front

Paul Richards walked in the door of his house at exactly 6:24 pm on Friday night. He had told his wife he would be home at 7:00, so he was running ahead of schedule. His wife, Nicole, was out for the evening with her girlfriends doing their once every three months dinner. The babysitter, Cassie, had told them that she could stay until 8pm but that she needed to get ready for her Spring Formal. She planned to get ready at their house and then go meet her date, Ian, at the restaurant for dinner before the dance.


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