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The Decisionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 7860 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Aug 07 2010Views / Reads: 3026 / 2153 [71%]Story vote: 8.67 (9 votes)
Some choices had to be made.

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Author's forward -

I receive a lot of criticism for the way I end some of my stories. I have lived a long enough life to know that at any given time life hits a fork in the road and it can go one way or another. These forks in the road can happen every few week, every few days, every few minutes or even every few seconds. I often leave my stories at one of these forks in the road so the reader can use his or her imagination to give the story the ending that suits them. I make no apologies for this - it is my way. If the reader lacks the imagination to decide what outcome he or she prefers it is not my problem.

And yes, this is my way of letting you know that this is another of those stories.


The odds on it happening were maybe a million to one. Just guessing there since math never was one of my strong suits, but the odds definitely had to be high.

It was at Josie's company picnic. I was sitting in one of the porta-johns scattered around the park where the event was being held when a couple of guys walked up to use one of the other johns. They were laughing and one of them said: ...

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