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Tinkle - Bell Chapter Eighteenthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 5543 words) [18/21] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Aug 10 2010Views / Reads: 901 / 802 [89%]Part vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
David, Bella and his family arrive on the Island

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Tinkle Bell - Chapter Eighteen

It was early evening when we made the island. The dock master guided us in, assigning us a nice wide berth as we secured the boat. Bella and mom soon after getting dressed into some casual, but still very sexy evening attire as we headed on, into the island for some sightseeing and dinner. It felt nice holding Bella's hand, walking around peering in windows, sometimes going inside to browse. It felt good, it felt right...and I was again reminded this was only temporary.

Bella and mom both were wearing similar outfits. Both had on a pair of white shorts showing off plenty of leg along with their respective tans. Bella also wore a white bikini top, though she had a white blouse on over that, open at the moment, buttoned later as we went in to settle down for dinner. Mom too had on a white shirt, but hers was tied in a knot just beneath her breasts, though she had opted for a regular bra worn beneath it. Dad and I in printed shirts and khaki shorts almost as though the four of us had purposely coordinated our attire. Maybe the girls had, but we certainly hadn't...similar tastes perhaps as we laughed about it later looking at one another.

Needless to say the girls looked fabulous anyway, receiving several looks from appreciative admirers as we walked along, sometimes Bella and mom holding hands walking up in front of dad and I as we held back ...

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