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Beachcombingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1949 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Jaysee Picture in profile
Added: Aug 16 2010Views / Reads: 1233 / 1049 [85%]Part vote: 9.50 (8 votes)
A trip to the beach leads to an interesting surprise

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I walked down the beach looking around at the scenery. Amber was slightly ahead of me and had stopped to pick up a broken bit of coral that had washed ashore. Amber was wearing a bright blue two piece swimsuit. It was a tankini style suit, and she had wrapped a red sarong around her waist. She was facing me however, so I caught a pleasing view of her ample cleavage. She looked up at me and instantly knew why there was a smile on my face.

"See anything you like," she asked in mock irritation.

I gestured towards a woman not twenty feet away, "Of course, that chick over there in the yellow bikini has enough camel toe for two camels."

She turned slightly to see what I meant, and sure enough there was a good bit of suit lodged in between the other woman's pussy lips. She stared for a moment and looked the woman over. She was highly attractive, well tanned and had beautiful breasts. Amber was not so prudish as to not think of another woman in a sexual way. And that little strip of material that had wandered in a little too far was definitely doing that. She just never acted on them. As she looked some more, the woman turned towards us and caught us staring.

I was busted, and my face turned red to show it. Amber however just ...

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