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Mechanically Minded - Mondaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2456 words) [2/6] show all parts

Author: echodancer Picture in profile
Added: Aug 18 2010Views / Reads: 1196 / 1059 [89%]Part vote: 9.71 (7 votes)
Bri takes care of Greg's house, and when he comes home, he shows her just how happy he is to have her.

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When I woke up, it was light outside and I was alone. I looked at the clock and realized it was 11 am!!! I had really slept late, but good sex does have that effect on me. I guess Greg had gotten his own breakfast before he left for work earlier this morning. I quickly got up and dressed and then I started looking for a note. I didn't know the number at his repair shop so I really hoped he had left me a note or something. I finally found it and Greg had written the number at the shop and also said I should just relax today.

I made myself a sandwich and then I called the shop. Greg had been right, my Bug needed parts and it was going to be two or three days before he could get them. He told me he would be home around 5 pm and we'd talk then, Just take it easy, he said. Well, we had an agreement that I would cook and clean and I wasn't going to just sit around all day. I stripped the sheets off my bed and threw them in the washing machine. I had made a mess last night, and I was really glad Greg was turned on by my gushing, otherwise it could prove awkward.

Starting in the kitchen, I found everything I needed for cleaning under the kitchen sink. I rummaged through the cabinets, cleaning and organizing and making a grocery list for the week. After scrubbing the kitchen from top to bottom, I tackled the stove and the refrigerator, throwing out old food and scrubbing until everything was sparkling. I started dinner and then went and took a shower. I wasn't usually "Suzy Homemaker", but for room and board, I figured I could handle it for a ...

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