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Orgasmsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 7994 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Aug 26 2010Views / Reads: 2938 / 2260 [77%]Story vote: 9.00 (8 votes)
She said she had never had one.

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I was pretty pleased with myself as I pulled onto my driveway and hit the button on the garage door opener. Addie's car was already in the garage which was nothing new since she was always home before I was. She would have dinner on and I was trying to make up my mind as to whether I should give her the surprise before dinner, during dinner or maybe after dinner as we sat on the patio and chatted about our day.

Our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary was in three weeks and I had gotten on line and found us a two week cruise. We both had plenty of vacation time coming and I couldn't think of a better way to burn some of it up than spending two weeks on a romantic cruise.

The timing was right as the last of our three kids had just gotten married and Addie and I were alone for the first time in twenty-one years. It was time to revitalize our relationship, put some spark back into it, or to put it a little more crudely - get into some hot monkey sex! Not that our sex life was lacking. We still managed to average twice a week, but with the kids around it wasn't the spontaneous ‘go for broke' sex that we had engaged in before becoming parents and getting involved with three a.m. feedings and then school activities as the kids grew and then as they grew even older the after school activities.

There were times we found it hard if not almost impossible to have time for each other, but those days were gone now. Barry was married and ...

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