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A penny for your thoughts - Chapter Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 7610 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Sep 01 2010Views / Reads: 2181 / 2010 [92%]Part vote: 9.61 (18 votes)
Brian once again wakes up in the hospital after being yet again...struck by lightning.

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A penny for your thoughts - Part Two

It seemed weirdly familiar. Waking up, finding myself once again laying in a hospital bed. The only difference being, I hadn't been in a coma. Out for a while yes, obviously, though it couldn't have been that long. For one, Gayleen was the one standing outside my room talking to the doctor, mom and dad hadn't even shown up yet, which meant I couldn't have been here all that long. I sat up, feeling fine...better than fine actually, though my head hurt, had a bit of a headache, and was still a little woozy. But beyond that, I felt pretty good. And then my head cleared a little, I remembered the bright white flash of lightning, remembered the sensation of electricity running rampant inside my body. But that was all. Until waking up now however. The doctor looked in, saw me sitting up, immediately called for a nurse and then came walking into my room, followed by Gayleen. She must have told him she was my girlfriend, or fiancé for them to have let her in to see me, even before my parents had.

"Well, well...you're a very, very lucky man," he said going over my charts, looking at me and reading some more. "Say's here you were struck by lightning ten years ago, is that true?"

"Yes, yes...it is," I said realizing I had in fact been hit again, though I didn't feel injured in any way this time, not like the first ...

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