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Donna the Internthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 5771 words)

Author: Q-Tip
Added: Dec 13 2000Views / Reads: 5824 / 4996 [86%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Donna gets her first real job and after seducing her new female boss they join forces to tempt the mailroom guy.

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Donna the Intern - by Q-Tip

Her name is Mrs. Kelly and she is the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, much less met. In her early 30's Mrs. Kelly is 5'10," has beautiful red hair and bright green eyes. Her skin is perfect, not a blemish anywhere and her smile when we were introduced took my breath away, and I'm a woman.

She looked so elegant, tall and slender, perfectly dressed as the HR person said, "Dora Kelly this is Donna, your new intern for the summer."

"You're gorgeous," I gushed. I probably blushed, I know that I was embarrassed. The HR person looked like she'd swallowed a lemon.

Mrs. Kelly just smiled at me sweetly and, sticking out her hand to shake mine, said, "Why thank you. It's nice to meet you too." It's hard for a woman to be mad at someone who says a thing like that.

For those of you who haven't read my other stories, my name is Donna and this is about my first real office-type job. I'm small, maybe 5'1" and less than 100 pounds. My dad is Portuguese and my mother's Greek, and I've got dark hair and olive skin. I also have great breasts. They're not really huge; I'm between a "C" cup and a "D" cup, but as small as I am they look immense on me, and they're perfectly shaped with just a ...

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