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The Water Parkthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 7284 words)

Author: AlanMac
Added: Sep 06 2010Views / Reads: 743 / 545 [73%]Story vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
On Holiday in France, Julie saves a life and finds a lover. This story follows on the the events in 'Paris Spring' and takes place at the same time as 'En Tours', both of which are in the Archive. Hope you enjoy.

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The Water Park

Following on from the events in Paris Spring, Paddy and Kate O'Doyle had invited Kate's parents and her sister Julie to join them for a family holiday. The holiday had been relaxing and enjoyable for all, but now Kate and Paddy had arranged to go overnight to a friend's party and leave Sophie and Cillian with Kate's parents and Julie.

10.00am, 14 July, Bretignolles-sur-Mer, Vendée, France

Julie Simpson and her niece Sophie arrived back at the gîte just before Paddy and Kate left for Tours. Hugs and kisses were exchanged and Julie waved as she watched her sister and brother-in-law them drive away. Her imagination was running riot at the thought of what type of party they might be going to.

A couple of nights earlier the two sisters had been sipping wine on the porch, after their parents and the children had gone to bed. Paddy was watching some football inside and Julie had made some crack that while marriage and kids a nice idea ‘down the line' she didn't want to lose her sex life quite yet and certainly didn't want tied to one man quite yet, "Variety," Julie stated bluntly, "is the spice of life. And I don't want limited to one man and one cock."

Julie had been expecting a shocked reaction from Kate. Instead her ...

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