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A penny for your thoughts - Chapter 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 7766 words) [4/5] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Sep 11 2010Views / Reads: 2008 / 1644 [82%]Part vote: 9.55 (11 votes)
Brian comes up with an idea, a way to more fully utilize his unique ability

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A penny for your thoughts - Chapter Four

It was like directing a play, or in a strange sense perhaps...like manipulating puppets, or marionettes. I held the string. It was a tiny flicker of flame, just barely there, but more than enough however. A mere twinkle of thought, and they both seemed to act upon it as though it were their own ideas in doing so. There was no "statueism" as I'd termed my made up phrase. They responded to one another easily, without qualm, without shyness...and certainly no inhibitions when doing so. So alike in many ways, yet so totally different in others. Me...laying back on the bed just watching, an audience of one, or two if you counted the other freestanding member between my legs as we lay there watching the two of them.

I didn't mind being momentarily forgotten. I had after all basically suggested it. For now, it was watching them, seeing them as they took notice of one another, exploring tenderly...at times playfully. Almost like two naughty kids playing the "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours," game for the first time. Only vaguely aware I was even there as they took their time, hands, fingers, at times lips and mouths touching and exploring one another as they stood there facing one another.

Again...sort of what I'd had in mind when we'd reached the bedroom.


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