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Sinnndy's does Vegas - Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 14301 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: sinnndy Picture in profile
Added: Dec 15 2000Views / Reads: 2276 / 2054 [90%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Part 3 of my Vegas adventure. What does Billy have planned for me today?

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True to his word, Billy let me sleep in. No wake up calls no sexual interruptions. He was even super quiet when he came back from the casino. He wanted to wake me up to tell me he had won 5 thousand, but knowing how beat I was, let me sleep. I woke up refreshed and ready. I looked over at Billy, he was also awake. “So, any big plans for me today? I inquired. He had a big smile on his face. “Well, topping last night would be pretty hard, but I do have something interesting planned for this evening. First things first, we have to be out of the hotel by one, so we better get a move on”. “What’s the attire for this afternoon? I asked. “Same as yesterday, shorts and T-shirt, dress comfortable. Wear gym shoes today” He replied. “Are we going to run a marathon?” I asked. “You will see”. He said.

We showered and cleaned up, put clothes on, and we were out the door in a flash. This was the longest period without sex since we started the trip, and that was okay with me, my poor pussy and asshole needed a rest. I was a little sore, but I knew that I would be getting some more pounding later that night. Billy is relentless that way, he likes to push me to see how far I will go, and so far, I have never said no to anything. We went down to the lower parking garage in the Bellagio, where there was another van waiting for us. There was no advertisement on the van, so I didn’t have a clue where we were going. We picked up some other people at some of the other casinos on the strip, and headed for the airport.


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