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Kity Girlthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:fetish, 1665 words)

Author: Kitty Girl Sprite
Added: Oct 10 2010Views / Reads: 4844 / 2249 [46%]Story vote: 9.00 (9 votes)
An intro, of sorts, to my fetish as Kitty Girl. More of a teaser then a sex filled romp, but i intend to amend that with subsequent stories.

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I wasn't wearing much. A semi-sheer pink top that hugged my upper body and left little doubt of the state of my nipples and a pair of matching panties that smelled of desire. A pair of brown kitten ears attached to a matching head band poked from the top of my blonde tresses and a pink collar, decorated with rhinestones circled my neck, a heart shaped tag engraved with the words "kitty" on one side and "property of Kay" on the other.

I felt perfectly content, as I knelt at her feet, my cheek resting against her thigh, rubbing against the material of her jeans as she absently ran her fingers through my hair, pausing only to turn the pages of the book she was reading. So much so that I had begun purring at some point, not that I could say when. Really, it seemed perfectly natural to both of us.

The day was half gone, and yet I was in no hurry to do anything but relax at her feet. Even my mind was still, unusual for me. Truly, this was the perfect way to spend a Saturday. Just the two of us, kitten and owner, the outside world where it belonged. Outside. No appointments to keep, no errands to run, simply a day of reading for her, and of simple affection for me...

The sound of the doorbell started me from my reverie. Our shy tortoiseshell bolted down the hall for somewhere safe, far from the unexpected stranger upon our porch. Suddenly trapped between kitten and ...

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