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Three's not a Crowdthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 14499 words)

Author: daddyl
Added: Oct 16 2010Views / Reads: 4645 / 3802 [82%]Story vote: 9.00 (10 votes)
Three friends visit a strip club that sets the tone for an evening of erotic passion. A little girl/girl action at the strip club and big breast action!

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Three's not a Crowd

I sometimes wonder if good luck is the result of preparation or persistence. I really don't know, and to be honest it really doesn't matter. All I know that good luck can be the best of friends. My good fortune came when I had the opportunity to go out with some friends to a local gentleman's club to enjoy some adult entertainment. How little did I know what the night would bring, but looking back on it, I guess I couldn't have wished for more luck. However, you can be the judge of that.

Oh, by the way, my name is Joel. My friends are Darren and Marissa, what a great couple. My wife, Dawn, and I met them about two years ago at a local concert. They have turned out to be just some fantastic friends who enjoy life and wine as much as we do. It just so happened that Dawn was away visiting family out of the country when I got an offer I could not refuse; join Darren and Marissa for an evening on the town at a local strip club. I had been telling them about this club for a while, hoping they would go. Well, who was I to refuse when they made their offer? Besides I had been to this place before and knew all too well that it would be fun. Darren and Marissa been to other strip clubs and were up for going in a big way. We agreed on a day.

I arrived at their house about 7:30 pm. Dusk was settling in and the sunset was beautiful. It raised my expectations for a great night. But ...

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