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Afternoon diversionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 5038 words)

Author: Vulcan Picture in profile
Added: Oct 19 2010Views / Reads: 2644 / 2253 [85%]Story vote: 9.50 (18 votes)
I make an unplanned stop off at an adult store. The husband and wife who run it make one of my greatest fantasies real and cause me to reconsider my own limits. Could also fit in slut wife or fetish categories

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Afternoon diversion

I had finished work at lunchtime and was on my way home in the early afternoon on a warm sunny late summer's day. My route took me past an out-of-town adult store that I had not visited for well over a year. This was an unusual store as it was set back from a major road, nothing else around it other than a filling station. When I thought about it, (and I thought about it every time I drove past), this was an ideal location for a place like this. There were no neighbours to be offended and no intimidating neighbourhood to scare off potential customers. No, all you had to do was pull off the road into their car park and stroll a few yards into the store. Even the car park was not really visible from the road, so generally, visits could be made discretely.

I remembered the store having a really diverse stock of movies on DVD. I wondered if they had any that featured my current "special interest". So I decided to drop in.

Not surprisingly at 2.30 in the afternoon, there were no other cars in the car park so I parked near to the door and, stepping out of my car wandered into the air-conditioned shady entrance hall. I pushed open the door into the store and waited a moment as my eyes adjusted from the bright sunlight outside. Inside, it was comfortably cool. I glanced toward the small desk just inside the entrance, but the chair behind it was empty. I could smell coffee. This was something else a bit ...

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