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Lesbian Diariesthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 3223 words)

Author: kap
Added: May 20 2000Views / Reads: 2884 / 2425 [84%]Story vote: 9.14 (7 votes)
Although I had always thought that Krissy was cute, I was sure she wasn't interested in girls. But after finding myself alone with her, drunk, I decide to take a risk...but, damn, there was a lot of easier ass in the world...

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"Lesbian Diaries"

Dear Diary,

This is a really good entry for you tonight. I love this one. So will you. I'm getting horny just thinking about it. I'll probably have to rub myself while telling it to you, so pardon any stains!

When I went to Krissy's party last night, I had no idea that things would happen as they did. She and I are just casual friends from school, not very close. I think she only invited me because we had shared some homework answers a few times in history class at UCR.

I only went to her little shindig to scope out the attendees in hopes of spotting some potential new blood... you know how I like variety! Although I had always thought that Krissy was cute, I was sure she wasn't interested in girls.

This was her first time.

The party had ended around 1-1:30 in the morning, but not before Krissy had had a major blowout with her boyfriend. (I forget his name. Who cares anyway?) The boyfriend stormed out early, but the fight had effectively ended the party, putting a damper on everyone's spirits. ...

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