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Tangiers, Again!this story is part of the FanClub (ff:voyeurism, 6215 words)

Author: Janine
Added: Dec 15 2000Views / Reads: 4911 / 4136 [84%]Story vote: 9.43 (7 votes)
This is a follow up to "Night Out at Tangiers." Lisa has thought about last weekend all week long. Her husband has a short business trip this weekend. What will Lisa do with her time alone? Tangiers is calling.......

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Tangiers, Again

It had been almost a week now since that fateful night. We hadn't talked about it that much. I don't know about Bob, but I've certainly thought about it a lot. After all, my sex life had been pretty tame before that night. I really don't know what had gotten into me. At first I thought it was the booze, but if I was honest with myself, it was the most exciting night of my life. I had never even considered doing some of the things I had done that night. Nice little Catholic girl, what would become of me now? The real problem was not what had happened that night, if I had to be honest about it. The real problem was the impact it was having on me, the thoughts that were going through my mind now, the questions I now had. They were things never there before. I wanted to go back to Tangiers for sure. I had thought about her every day, every night since then. I had been at strip clubs before, but this one was different - or was it me. Was I now different? Hmmm. I wondered.

Bob had announced before he headed off for work that he was heading for D.C. tomorrow for a couple of days. It was part of the orientation for that big new job. He would be back late Sunday night. Part of me was disappointed as I was hoping he'd want to go back to Tangiers, but part of me wanted some time to be alone to sort things out in my mind. Shari had been on my mind since last Saturday. She had excited me beyond all limits I had ever experienced. As I thought about her, her nice firm tits, her tight ass, my fingers found their way to my pussy. As I ...

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