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Phone Sexthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 2843 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Oct 31 2010Views / Reads: 2516 / 1928 [77%]Story vote: 9.80 (10 votes)
I wanted to scream at her.

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I wanted to scream at her. Actually, killing her would be too nice a way to end the torture. Day after day she continued to drive me nuts and there wasn't anything that I could do about it. I couldn't take the problem to management because all that would do is make me the laughing stock of the office. The problem? Working in a cubicle next to a woman who couldn't be made to understand that cubicles are not sound proof and that I could hear every word she said - every fucking word! Why was that so bad? Because she had phone sex with her husband two or three times a day.

It has been going on for almost a month. For three months the cubicle next to mine had been empty and then one day I saw Jerry, our maintenance man, moving a desk into it. I asked him what was up and he told me that the company had hired a new engineer, "And I hear that she is one hot mama."

That was borne out the next day when a drop-dead gorgeous redhead started carrying boxes into the cubicle. I introduced myself and offered to help her move her stuff in. It took me two trips to her car before I noticed the wedding rings on her left hand. Just my luck; I was going to be sitting next to a stone fox all day, every day and she was spoken for. Her name was Belinda and she had just graduated from M.I.T and was excited about starting her new job. Enjoy the excitement while you can honey, I thought, they will grind you down soon enough. The bosses at our office might not be as bad as the ‘pointy-haired' ...

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