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Summer of 85 (Tom's story)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2078 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Nov 03 2010Views / Reads: 3206 / 2847 [89%]Story vote: 9.38 (21 votes)
Tom recounts how he lost his virginity to his best friend's mother.

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The Summer of '85 (Tom's story)

During the Summer before I went to College in 1985 I spent a lot of time at my friend Brian's house playing ball or swimming in their pool. Brian's dad had a job in sales with an Oil Company and was gone almost 2 weeks out of every month visiting out of State clients. Brian's mother, Beth only worked a few blocks away from their home and was around the house a lot when we hung out.

We had just started swimming on a very hot day when Brian got a call asking him to go to work in the Mall because someone didn't show up. I was bummed about him having to leave and started climbing out of the pool to go home; but he told me to stay and swim as his Mom would still be there and she liked having a man around the house.

He called to his mother and told her that he had to go to work for a couple of hours and would it be ok if I stayed in the pool. She shouted her agreement from the kitchen and Brian left to go to the Mall. About 10 minutes later his Mom walked out of the house in a yellow bikini and carrying a large towel and a glass of wine.

Brian's mother had the most gorgeous caramel coloured skin I had ever seen and I couldn't take my eyes off her as she casually lay on the lounger reading a magazine and sipping her wine while as I continued swimming. Eventually I had to stop and clung onto the side close to ...

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