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Saving Her Husbands Job chp 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 1492 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Nov 05 2010Views / Reads: 2074 / 1712 [83%]Part vote: 9.40 (10 votes)
The title says it all.

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Bob was halfway to the airport when he realized that he'd left a folder full of information that he would need on this trip on his desk at home. He looked at his watch and saw that he still had enough time to get home, get the papers, and still make it to the airport in time for his flight. He turned onto his street just in time to see Tina come down the front steps and get into a long black limo. What the hell is going on he thought as the limo pulled away from the curb and he followed, all thoughts of the folder on his desk gone from his mind. He was surprised when the limo pulled up at the Hilton and Tina got out. He looked for a place to park and found one close by, but then he hesitated. The limo was still there - waiting for Tina to come back out? He decided to sit tight and see what would happen.

Five minutes passed, then ten and just as Bob thought that he might have guessed wrong, Tina came out of the hotel on the arm of a tall black man that Bob instantly recognized. John Wright was one of the company's biggest customers and his company was responsible for a good twenty percent of Bob's company's bottom line. But what was he doing with Tina, or better yet, what was Tina doing with him? He followed them to Carl's ChopHouse and then one hour later to one of the many nightspots that dot the Lower East Side. He couldn't take a chance on getting caught spying on his wife so he had to be content with waiting outside and keeping an eye on the limo.

But he didn't have to be inside to know what was going on. Tina would ...

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