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Jilling Offthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 1096 words)

Author: Reena
Added: Nov 07 2010Views / Reads: 3012 / 1802 [60%]Story vote: 9.46 (13 votes)
A trip to the toy store results in a very entertaining drive home.

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Toy shopping. Jill loved to go toy shopping. The big brick buildings with the gaudy florescent lights and darkened windows; the people watching you out of the corner of their eye while trying not to let you see their faces. She wasn't shy about her fondness for toys, wasn't ashamed to walk into stores declaring ‘21+' in large signs out front. The other customers who came in with large sunglasses, rushing about so they could rush back out, made her stifle giggles. Toys were investments, important ones. Not only did they fill her needs when she was alone, but they were like a fun third during sex (or fourth, depending on the occasion). Rushing through buying one would be like going home with the first drunk to hit on her at a bar; senseless, possibly dangerous, and very likely to be unfulfilling in the long run.

After an hour of browsing and talking with the staff, Jill settled on a rabbit vibrator in bright purple. Its full length was less than five inches, its diameter barely over an inch. Slim and short, it would please her and be more convenient for traveling than some of her ‘full size' toys. She took a few more minutes for chit chat with the man behind the counter as she bought her toy, and even bought the batteries for it, though they did cost more at the toy stores, before leaving. The bright sunlight stung her eyes as she walked to her car.

She'd driven less than a block from the store before her curiosity had built to an almost intolerable height. New toys were always too much of ...

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