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One nighterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1044 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Horny Hubby
Added: Nov 21 2010Views / Reads: 3341 / 8 [0%]Part vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
I met her on a dating website and didnt know she would be so wild

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I had always fantisized about having a one nighter but it never happened until !! I had just broken up with my g/friend who I had known since my divorce . She was an amazing shag but got upset one night when I got upset with her dad after he was rude to my son . I was at gym and on the way out stopped at the Internet Cafe to looking at a dating site where I could meet "jewish" girls . I was on for about 10 mins before I got a message from " Dotty Dame " We spoke online for a while and she asked me to call her on her landline later . I thought why not , what could I lose???

I phoned her at about 11 Pm that night not expecting her to still be awake and was greeted by the most ball tightening voice I had ever heard !!!!!!!!! I was later to find out that her luscious voice matched her stunning body . We arranged to meet for supper that Thursday night , the start of a long weekend at Cresta and I did not know what to expect , but I was not dissapointed . I was already seated when she arrived . Natalie was dressed to excite in an ass hugging miniskirt , tight top and takkies . As she sat opposite me and ordered a drink , I knew she was HEAT IN A MINI . We got on like a house on fire and by the time we finished chatting it must have been about 11 PM , but the night was still young . She was a little pickled and I insisted that I follow her home to ensure she got home safely . As we arrived at her townhouse , she struggled to find her way into the garage but eventually did it . I was still sitting in my car , when she came over and invited me in for a nightcap :) . I locked my car and followed her into the house . ...

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