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Wrong Roomthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 2081 words)

Author: Jamie Michaels Picture in profile
Added: Dec 18 2000Views / Reads: 3685 / 3164 [86%]Story vote: 8.40 (5 votes)
It was late that night, I exited the shower and headed to my dorm room only to find out I was in the wrong one, sometimes it's good to be wrong!

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Sorry......Wrong room! Jamie Michaels

I picked the morning paper off the hall desk as part of my daily ritual and headed for the kitchen for a morning cup of coffee. Upon opening it I was surprised by a photo of Trace Duncan. We had gone to college together several years ago and I had the pleasure of having shared the same dorm. His name was actually Tracey, but decided Trace sounded more grown-up and more fitting for a political career.

I recall the first time I saw him wandering down the stairs of Bramley Hall, I nearly dropped my books. His six-foot three inch frame was topped off by shiny black hair and blue eyes that captured my soul from the first time I stared deeply into them. He had a swimmer's build with wide shoulders that tapered down to a 30 inch waist. I would watch his firm ass, held taut by his CKä briefs, as he headed down the hall to the bath. He appeared to be totally unaware of the fact I was mesmerized by his physique. Sometimes he would pause and say "good morning" or "how’s it going." Unfortunately I was barely able to answer as my concentration was transfixed upon his body, mainly his crouch. Finally, after observing his schedule closely, Occasionally I was privileged to enter the shower at the same time. Nervously I would eye him through side vision as he soaped between his thighs and tugged on his long slender tool. He appeared to know I was watching and always put on a show, running his massive hands across his chest and down his taunt stomach. His shower scene always left me horny and in need of a ...

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