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A Night She Will Never Forgetthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3080 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: slaveslut4Daddy
Added: Dec 27 2010Views / Reads: 2273 / 1621 [71%]Part vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
Tara finds her Master. story is set up for a series starts out a little slow but builds into high amounts of BDSM.

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Tara walked into her favorite karaoke bar just as she had ever Wednesday night for the last 6 months. She had come to know most of the people there very well she knew the scents and sounds that would come from the bar threw the night it was her routine and she knew it well. This Wednesday was no different for her as she walked in inhaling the well known scent of mens cologne. She went to her normal table looked around seeing the people she had come to know so well making eye contact with a smile and a slight wave to say hi. She ordered her usual drink ( cosmo with grey goose vodka ) and sat waiting for the night to begin. As she looked around she spotted a couple people she didn't recognize. It was unusual for there to be new people there it was a little home town bar with a very homey feel to it.

The waitress came and brought Tara her drink. Tara thanked her and she walked away. As she sat sipping her drink her eyes came to rest on a gentleman sitting in the back corner of the bar. She hadn't seen him sitting there when she came in when they made eye contact Tara smiled as she did with everyone but the man made her slightly uncomfortable she felt as though he was looking right into her rather then just looking at her. Not sure exactly how to handle this feeling she quickly looked away not wanting to meet his eyes again.

Steve was a good looking man very athletic strong build. He was 6'2" 200 lbs of solid muscle his blue eyes looked more like tinted crystal almost clear but not quite. And his blonde hair he wore a little long ...

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