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Pussyboythis story is part of the FanClub (mm:twink/chicken, 3969 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Greg Stone
Added: Dec 19 2000Views / Reads: 1739 / 1384 [80%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
Greg had found a young fem to serve his sexual needs. He continued to test the limits of domination, and found Joey more than willing.

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Pussyboy [part 2 of 2] By: Greg Stone (thorerot@hotmail.com)

Pussyboy, part 2

Joey was disoriented when he woke up in Greg's bed. The familiar sights of his own bedroom were missing, then he remembered the past day and a half: meeting Greg at the cafe, being taken to his condo, and the evening and following day of indescribable sexual pleasure. The pleasure of serving his man.

Joey made breakfast for them again. At the table Greg said, "You're the hottest little bitch I've ever been with. I love fucking you." His coarse and demanding style of speech made the young man blush. At least the blushing warmed him. Ever since the first night Greg had made walk around the apartment wearing only girl's panties, if anything at all. He shivered a little at the table in the cool morning air. "A shower will warm you up," said Greg as he looked over the Sunday paper. Joey skipped off to get it going.

In the steaming, grey-tiled shower Joey soaped himself lightly but nervously; he knew what was coming. Greg entered and undressed, slowly exposing his muscular, somewhat hairy body to the effeminate, delicately built 20-year old in the shower. Joey's knees went weak at the sight as Greg stepped in, his thick, flaccid cock hanging deliciously over his heavy balls. Joey knelt down at once and gathered ...

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